About Me

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cypress, ca, United States
Hi my name is Jennifer I am ShawnnBears mom. ShawnBear was born with HLHS.We chose the 3 stage surgery. Shawn had his Norwood open heart surgery on January 3rd 2008 and came home on the 19th . He was doing well until about three months old when they decided to do the Glenn early at 3months because of low oxagen sats. When Shawn came back for surgery he was ok for about 3 hours then he came very close to leaving us. He was rushed back to the O.R. and came back in stable condition. Despite that stepback we were sent home about a week later. Shawn was sent home on oxagen because his sats were still in the low 70's. cardio doc said that we should concider another open heart sugery to repair this. Shawn had his reconstuction of the tricuspid valve at CHLA by Dr Vaugh Starnes.December 2009 shawnBear had a pacemaker placed due to low heart rate while sleeping. Shawn has been long but he smiled all the way through. By looking at my amazing boy you would not know that he was born with only half a heart and had 4 open heart surgerys . I have learned a lot from Shawn but the most important thing is not to take life for granted. Enjoy every moment

Thursday, July 7, 2011

ShawnBears Heart

I have decided to give back to children inthe Hospital and Familys that go through this. My son was an inspriration to me and I want to be a part of helping others. If it had not been for CHOC and all the great things they did for my son and our family. Things could of been a lot worse . A friend from my grieving group responded when I asked How I could keep Shawn Bears memory alive in giving back. Her response was perfect she said you should do a Teddy Bear DRive and when you have all the Bears have a special ribbon put on them that Says "ShawnBear" A friend for life . That is perfect but I also want to help in other ways to. I have picked the name now I have to figure out how to start up all this filing for the name to be permanant and doing what paperwork you need for a nonprofit bizness. I have a focus and something to keeep me a little bizy hopefully a lot bizy in the future. I love you ShawnBear forever and always . xoxoxo Mommy

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