About Me

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cypress, ca, United States
Hi my name is Jennifer I am ShawnnBears mom. ShawnBear was born with HLHS.We chose the 3 stage surgery. Shawn had his Norwood open heart surgery on January 3rd 2008 and came home on the 19th . He was doing well until about three months old when they decided to do the Glenn early at 3months because of low oxagen sats. When Shawn came back for surgery he was ok for about 3 hours then he came very close to leaving us. He was rushed back to the O.R. and came back in stable condition. Despite that stepback we were sent home about a week later. Shawn was sent home on oxagen because his sats were still in the low 70's. cardio doc said that we should concider another open heart sugery to repair this. Shawn had his reconstuction of the tricuspid valve at CHLA by Dr Vaugh Starnes.December 2009 shawnBear had a pacemaker placed due to low heart rate while sleeping. Shawn has been long but he smiled all the way through. By looking at my amazing boy you would not know that he was born with only half a heart and had 4 open heart surgerys . I have learned a lot from Shawn but the most important thing is not to take life for granted. Enjoy every moment

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New teeth

Well I thought Shawn was starting to get sick again but to my suprize he has 2 new teeth coming in on the top. There is one on bolth sides, poor thing thats probably why he has also been so cranky. Besides that all is well. Shawns older cousin Stephanie just had her baby on January 9th. He is at home and doing well. As for Shawn when he was in the hospital they started him on one of the meds he was taking a while back Enalapril. Its for blood pressure . The carido doc says it helps the heart function better without having to work as hard. So were looking at the Fontan surgery in spring of next year as long as everything goes well. I am sure it will he has done so great this far . He really is miracle baby and I am thankful for every moment that I get to spend with him. Shawn hasnt started walking yet but he is getting close = 0


  1. what a cutie pie. I wanna grab his face. He looks like he is doing really well.. how far along is he with surgeries? He looks nice and healthy.

  2. I should read before I post huh, his picture was just so dang cute. We are coming up on the Fontan in March or April... I'm nervous, but also ready to do it and have it be done. Enjoy your summer! Do lots of swimming!
